The Q92.5 FM continues to raid the refrigerator at Virgin Radio. First it was morning man Cat Spencer, who agreed to terms in the spring to replace Aaron Rand. Because of a non-compete clause in his contract, the Cat cannot begin with the Q until late August. Today, Q General Manager Mark Dickie confirmed to me that popular Virgin mid-day host Nat Lauzon (left) is jumping shift. She will slip into the weekend (Noon to 5 p.m.) slot on the Q in October. Because of contractual arrangements she remains part of Virgin until then.
Why go from a full-time five day a week job to simply weekends'? "I think it is a lifestyle change
for Nat," reasons Dickie. "For us, it is part of creating a blockbuster weekend format at the Q."
Blockbuster? Well yes, because besides Nat Lauzon weekday drive mainstay Ken Connors (right) will also switch over in August and become the host of a weekend 6 a.m. to 10 a.m. program. On Sundays he will even stick around longer, from 10 a.m. to Noon, with a separate all-request show. The Q already has a smoking hot mid-morning Saturday show (10 a.m. to Noon) with the exceptionally talented, beautiful and incredibly bilingual Anne-Marie Witenshaw.
"We are going to treat weekends just like weekdays," said Dickie.
Donna Saker will have an expanded shift, going from 8:45 a.m. to 4 p.m. weekdays. Look for more announcements soon.
As for Virgin, well now that they have to fill yet another spot. Freeway Frank took over from Spencer and then Heather B left for a job in Cleveland, replaced by Nikki. Who should replace Nat? It is time to give the multi-talented Kelly A (A for Alexander) a full-time gig. She is great on weekends, fill-in and special assignment and homegrown.
Why go from a full-time five day a week job to simply weekends'? "I think it is a lifestyle change

Blockbuster? Well yes, because besides Nat Lauzon weekday drive mainstay Ken Connors (right) will also switch over in August and become the host of a weekend 6 a.m. to 10 a.m. program. On Sundays he will even stick around longer, from 10 a.m. to Noon, with a separate all-request show. The Q already has a smoking hot mid-morning Saturday show (10 a.m. to Noon) with the exceptionally talented, beautiful and incredibly bilingual Anne-Marie Witenshaw.
"We are going to treat weekends just like weekdays," said Dickie.
Donna Saker will have an expanded shift, going from 8:45 a.m. to 4 p.m. weekdays. Look for more announcements soon.
As for Virgin, well now that they have to fill yet another spot. Freeway Frank took over from Spencer and then Heather B left for a job in Cleveland, replaced by Nikki. Who should replace Nat? It is time to give the multi-talented Kelly A (A for Alexander) a full-time gig. She is great on weekends, fill-in and special assignment and homegrown.