Last Sunday a special event took
place at the Ben Weider Jewish Community Centre. Members of the Y Wolves
basketball teams showcased 26 acts of kindness (dedicated to the
shooting victims at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut) and
their love of hoops.
The YM-YWHA Wolves Basketball program strives for much more than winning games and championships. “I had
no idea what I was in for when I tried out and made the Wolves team," said 13 year old Ari Blanshay of the Bantam
Boys team. "Our team
practices twice a week, we are also expected to come to optional workouts,
complete preseason conditioning and to attend study hall twice a week. Our
coaches always tell us that success on the court means nothing if you‘re not
succeeding in the classroom and that being a good player is not nearly as
important as being a good person.”
The latter quote sums up what
the Wolves program stands for. Program coordinator and coach Julia Peress
explained that being a part of the Wolves program means striving for excellence
both on and off the court and caring about your community enough to want to
change it.
When Peress first heard
about #26actsofkindness, which suggests that one random act of
kindness to commemorate each of the 20 children and six adults that were killed
in the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in Newtown Connecticut, she was
immediately inspired by the campaign and insisted that the program follow
The Wolves in action. |
Over the past few
weeks, Wolves coaches were promoting #26acts and encouraging their players
to be kind to and considerate of others. The players embraced these lessons and
took them to a whole new level, surpassing all expectations. “When we first
introduced the idea the players thought that every act needed to be huge; they
were going to soup kitchens and retirement homes," said Peress. "They soon realized that
opportunities to do good deeds are everywhere and they don’t necessarily need
to be planned. Some acts thus far have included: organizing a
clothing and shoe drive for Haiti, visiting and participating in a program at a
senior’s residence, volunteering at MADA, helping younger siblings with their
homework, saving their money and donating it to charity and several others. "
The 26 messages. |
Last Sunday, the
Wolves teams had a chance to showcase their acts and commemorate the victims in
a ceremony in which they also unveiled a #26 jersey that the players will sign
and send to Sandy Hook at the end of the season. “It was really something
special, and to see these kids embrace kindness with such passion and motivation
is truly inspirational," commented coach and former Wolves player Melissa Szilagyi.
Bantam Wolves player Tomas Caprera said it
best. “I don't plan on stopping these acts of kindness because I think that we
should do them every day.”
The Wolves players have surpassed their goal of
completing #26acts and are committed to continue spreading kindness and good
will within their communities.
Here is the clip from CTV News.
Having "a ball." |