As he sat
in his office overlooking Yitzhak Rabin Park in the Montreal suburb of
Côte Saint-Luc a number of years ago,
Rabbi Sidney Shoham’s eyes grew a little misty as he discussed how much BethZion Congregation meant to him.
are a lot of memories here,” he told me.
“We pioneered the concept of the suburbansynagogue in Montreal.
Others, I believe, followed our example.”
Rabbi Sidney Shoham |
Rabbi Shoham, who died suddenly Sunday
evening, September 20 was a living legend in the Montreal Jewish community. For
decades he was front and centre with local community organizations, holding top
positions locally and nationally. He also had the distinction of being the only
rabbi to ever chair the Combined Jewish Appeal campaign, primarily because of
talents as a superb orator.
I met Rabbi Shoham as a toddler. As a
lifelong member of Beth Zion, I would see him when I attended Hebrew school at
the synagogue and I had the honour of him being at the pulpit at my bar
mitzvah. I sat at my seat during the High Holy Days each year mesmerized by
every word he uttered. He was often very
controversial. And that is what his audience expected.
Rabbi Shoham was a “very young” 86 years old.
It was shocking enough nine years ago this Yom Kippur to hear his announcement
on Kol Nidre that he was retiring after 50 incredible years at the bima and to become
rabbi emeritus. His death does not seem
real. This is a man who beat cancer. I saw him on numerous occasions in the
last few weeks, at the benefit Cats Concert I organized and golf tournament I
co-chaired. He was the picture of health. Ironically, his last public appearance
was only hours before he died at home – attending the annual Beth Zion
Cantorial Concert.
When Rabbi Shoham
retired, a synagogue executive member asked.
“How do you replace a legend. He has been the only rabbi this synagogue ever
The synagogue had
to go through three rabbis to find his proper successor.
in Baltimore, Maryland the son of Rabbi Yechiel and Rebbetzen Ethel Shoham, Rabbi
Shoham attended the Talmudical Academy
of Baltimore grade school and then went to Mesivta Rabbi Chaim Berlin
Rabbinical, Brooklyn, New York. While studying in the Yeshiva, Rabbi
Shoham attended Brooklyn College
at night and graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree majoring in
psychology. Later, he attended graduate school at New York University,
School of Psychology and continued his studies in Montreal at the Allen Memorial
Hospital – McGill University
where he furthered his courses in Pastoral Psychiatry.
Shoham arrived in Montreal in 1955 to visit his brother Gilbert, who was Rabbi
of the Beit Hamidrash Hagadol Synagogue on McKenzie. While here, he met
with an enthusiastic group of individuals anxiously waiting to build a new
community in the western suburb of Montreal.
After discussions with the committee, several weeks later he was hired as the
Rabbi of Beth Zion in the winter of 1956. Over the years he had been active
with nearly every Jewish organization in the city, notably Combined Jewish Appeal,
B’nai Brith and State of Israel Bonds.
Many Jewish organizations held
testimonial dinners in his honour. He even hosted radio and television shows.
synagogue itself began in a congregant’s home in 1952, four years before they
hired Rabbi Shoham and moved into their present quarters on Hudson Avenue.
are a lot of memories here,” Rabbi Shoham, told me. “I have overseen five
decades of torah studies, services, counselling, weddings, bar mitzvahs and bat
mitzvahs. It’s like home to me.”
Shoham recalled the early days of the synagogue. “At the time,” said the rabbi,
“the park across the street from us had a baseball field. There were times when
we did not have enough people for a minyan (10 men are required for prayer in
the Jewish religion) so I’d go out to the baseball field and ask for a few
volunteers. I was a pretty fair player myself and they wanted me to be part of
their club. My message was simple. I’d join their team if they’d join mine. It
fact, when he was young, Rabbi Shoham was considered a prospect for Major
League Baseball.
From the 100 members it had when Rabbi Shoham
arrived, that number rose at one time to more than 1,000.
“To quote Hillary Clinton," said past president Eli
Cohen, “it takes a village to build a community. And
it's taken Beth Zion to help build the community. It is Rabbi Shoham who was
innovative and who brought Beth Zion to the attention of the greater Montreal Jewish
Funeral services will take place at Beth Zion Congregation in
the main sanctuary at 10 am Tuesday, September 22, erev Yom Kippur. Shiva will be at 5703 Melling
Avenue until 4 pm, Mincha at 3:30 pm.
To Rabbi Shoham's wife Jewel and the entire family, allow me to extend my deepest sympathies.