Sunday 6 May 2012

Tories already working hard in Laurentians

Does the road for a federal Tory breakthrough in the next federal election begin in Quebec’s Laurentian mountains? That is what Jason Fuoco hopes. The  23 year old graduate of Laurier Macdonald High School in St. Leonard welcomed Federal Minister of Citizenship and Immigration Jason Kenney  to the Montcalm riding recently.  
The two Jasons: Fuoco (left) and Kenney.

As the  president of the Conservative Association of Montcalm, Jason was able to receive the Minister for a private brunch  at his sugar shack. The purpose if this event was to raise money for the riding. Guests all had a chance to meet the minister, exchange words and take pictures.

Jason finished third in the election a year ago behind winner Manon Perreault of the NDP and Roger Gaudet of the Bloc Québecois. But he was ahead of the Liberals.
Jason was born in Saint-Lin-Laurentides. He is a sports fanatic, who played soccer for six years and won several medals in taekwondo competitions. Over the last few years he has  been the president of the non-profit organization un rêve dans les étoiles that promotes youth development. He has  started his own  business, producing and transforming  water buffalo milk (mozzarella di buffalo).  Will he run in the next election?
"The date to next federal election is still more than three years away," Jason shares.  " I'm still president of my riding in Montcalm and started last May   to get my association ready for the 2015 election. Next election I have no doubt  that Quebec will have more Conservative MPs elected. Last election was a huge 'orange wave,'   like they say. Prime Minister Harper is doing everything he said he'd do if elected as a majority. If our government continues in this great direction, I don't see why we won't have more Conservative MPs."

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