Thursday 20 February 2014

Head of CRITIQ urges Liberals and CAQ to collaborate in next election

The president of CRITIQ (Canadian Rights in Quebec) is already getting the ball rolling in advance of a provincial election call. Gary Shapiro shared with me a letter he sent off today to Liberal leader Philippe Couillard and CAQ leader Francois Legault, providing what he sees as a possible solution to prevent a Parti-Québecois majority government.
Gary Shapiro
"Instead of the Quebec Liberal Party  and the CAQ splitting votes and enabling the PQ to win a majority government, can't the two of you split up the contested ridings, do not run candidates against each other, and promise each other cabinet posts in the minority government?" Shapiro asks. "The goal is not to let Marois form a majority. If you really cared about Quebec you would do what is best for the province, not for your party. Besides this is also what is best for your parties
"Do what is best for Québec. Otherwise we are all lost!"

While it is highly unlikely either leader would agree to this, it is not a crazy idea. It is all about survival.


  1. I refuse to accept the way the Liberal Party of Quebec has outright ignored our community for a generation. I refuse to accept the way the Parti Québécois has aggressively attacked our community for a generation. The PQ/PLQ government-in-rotation has left Quebec’s economy in a dire state and we need change. That is one of the main reasons I got on board with the CAQ.

    We have to stop having this frightened mentality of Liberals-or-nothing in Quebec. For 30 years, yes, that was the case, but now our community has a real alternative. The CAQ will stand up for entrepreneurs and the middle class. The Liberals have proven they are incapable of that.

    The CAQ is going to take thousands of votes away from the PQ outside Montreal - this isn't a case where choosing the alternative will result in a PQ government.

    The approach discussed in this post is not what Quebec needs.

    1. I'd rather vote QS than the CAQ who is just another PLQ at its core.

  2. I never cease to be amazed at how jews work overtime to screw Québec by sucking-up to Anglos who still hate them anyways…

    1. That's a very courageous statement to make anonymously, buddy.


  4. Survival ?? Just go anywhere else in Canada or in the US, you have PLENTY of choices. You will live in English only, no problem.

  5. "Do what is best for Québec. Otherwise we are all lost!"

    "It is all about survival."

    My God you guy's are delusional! Get a grip this kind of abuse of language do not help your cause. No wonder nobody in Quebec take the Anglophone minority seriously anymore. Nobody could express themselves like that in the mainstream media. They would be look at like tin foil hat weirdo.
